Art Page

   Ok, Ok. I'll come right out and say it. I take the cheaters way out of making my pictures. You heard me right. Just don't be thinking that I would ever do a thing like steal someone else's art, because that isn't it at all! (But if you want to find out, prepare for a long story!)

   One day, long before I made this site, I decided it would be fun to take pictures of norns in their "natural habitat". Well, it took me quite a while to find a program that could take screenshots. (why can't windows just have a program to do it when you hit the printscreen button?) Then, I started going picture taking crazy. I don't even know why I took most of the pictures I did, I just know that I did them.

   Ok, now I looked over what I had done. I had about 100 unedited pictures. Let me tell you, norn pictures are a lot funner to look at when people take the background out of the picture. But, how is this to be accomplished? Why, editing your pictures pixel by pixel of course! It just takes about an hour to edit one picture! That isn't too bad! Well, maybe other people out there have time to burn, but not me!

   I started looking everywhere for an agent that would make picture making easier, but I never found one. Finally, I got fed up with the whole idea and just put my pictures in a folder to sit for a while. Then, I thought about making a site for creatures (this was after CL's downfall). But, I just didn't have the motivation to make one. I mean, you have to spend all that time updating the site, etc, etc... I was closely watching the docking station aftermath forum, (link located in the links page) when someone posted a message asking for help making a site. I have never done a joint project before, so I decided to chip in.

   I didn't really feel like I was doing much to help the page, (as the person who asked me to help wanted to do most of it) but it was getting along quite nicely, so I didn't say too much. Now we needed pictures for the site, and lots of them. I searched my computer for my creature pictures, found them, then remembered how much work it was. I groaned at the thought of having to make more pictures. I remembered how I couldn't find an agent to help me in my picture making process, then an idea struck me. Why don't I learn the COAS language and make my own agent?

   So I spent the next 24 hours taking a crash course in agent making. Finally I came up with what I call "the wall". Here it is!

   I know it doesn't look like much, which is pretty much what it is. It is carryable and is not affected by gravity or walls, which means it will stay anywhere you want to put it. (which is a good thing for picture taking!)

   So now I take pictures of norns in front of the wall, go to my photo editor, use the magic wand tool, (isn't that a wierd name for a tool that picks out segments that are the same color?) make sure that all of the red is selected, then make the selected part transparent. I was able to make my picture production time to go from one hour to one minute. It was a breeze now to make ten pictures a day!

   Now you now my "picure story". By the way, the layout of these pages are based off the original pages for the site I was helping someone make. That person hasn't made it any further than what he did in April. I finally got tired of waiting for an e-mail from him and took the site into my own hands.

If you would like a copy of "the wall", please e-mail me with the link at the bottom of the page.

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